I’m sorry for the lack of updates over the weekend. I spent the entire weekend working on a large project and didn’t really have time for anything else. I promise to have some good stuff for you tomorrow.
For now, you might want to check out some information about the upcoming Ubuntu release: 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope.
- Get alpha 5. Note that this is an alpha build and should only be used for testing rather than using as your main system.
- Official introduction to Jaunty Jackalope
- 9.04 release schedule
- List of basic features
Did you ever wonder how Ubuntu’s release schedules work? There are always two releases a year: .04 and .10. The second part of the version string simply refers to which month it was released in, which is always either April or October. So now you won’t have to wonder how long you have to wait for the next Ubuntu release.
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