I’ve been overweight most of my life. I experienced many years of depression that started in elementary school. From that moment until early 2012, I have consistently gained weight.

In January, I decided that I had to get serious about weight loss, so I did.

While driving to work one morning, I decided that if I didn’t do something to change my life at that exact moment, that I never would. I made a contract with myself that I would immediately go and sign up at a gym and get a personal trainer, that I would do everything that trainer told me to do, and that I wouldn’t look back or second guess myself. I had thirty years of being irresponsible, now it was time for some personal responsibility.

So, that’s what I did. I messaged the office to say that I would be late. I drove to Results Fitness, a gym near my office and home. I met Jeff Miller, a trainer at Results. I signed up for the gym and to meet Jeff every Tuesday and Thursday. I committed to eat a specific meal plan every meal of every day. I do what my trainer tells me. I haven’t looked back. I haven’t second guessed my decision. I haven’t regretted anything.

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