When newer versions of Firefox come out, there are always a few add-ons that fail to update quickly enough. After about a week of waiting, I’ve become tired of waiting for some of my add-ons to update themselves. These add-ons are ColorZilla (white reports 3.6.* compatibility, but it won’t install/update on 3.6), CSSViewer, and Live HTTP Headers.

Fortunately, updating is a simple matter. Just do the following:

  • Download the xpi file for the add-on
  • Open up the downloaded xpi file as a zip file
  • Open the install.rdf file inside the xpi file
  • Search for the targetApplication section with an id of {ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}
  • Change that section’s maxVersion to the version number to whatever Firefox version you want to be supported
  • Update the xpi file with the modified install.rdf file
  • Install the add-on by dragging the xpi file onto the Firefox window and clicking the Install button (this works for upgrades as well)

Here are the modified xpi files for each of the add-ons:

Note: All of these add-ons were updated to work with 3.6.*. Of course, they may not be compatible with future versions of 3.6, so use at your own risk.

Keep in mind that if you manually upgrade an older add-on, you do so at your own risk. I tested these add-ons, and they all work properly with 3.6.