I’m more or less taking the night off. I’ll leave you some good reading material that should cover just about any reader that comes here.

  • Make Linux: Harder – Better – Faster
    This page is a great compilation of links on how to improve security, speed, functionality, or appearance of your Linux system.
  • Firefox Minefield
    Very interesting version of Firefox that is in development. Apparently, it is capable of massive speed and gives Chrome a run for its money.
  • Conky
    A highly-customizable graphical system monitor for your Linux desktop.
  • Armed and Dangerous
    A blog I just happened upon today that has many great reads. The topics are varied, but there should be a little something for everyone. I was hooked with the My comment to the FCC on DRM post, as I share many of the feelings that the author does on the subject.
  • Swift Weasel
    This project builds Firefox from source to provide optimized builds for the Linux platform. It’s still in the early stages but has potential.

I hope that my big post yesterday makes up for my weak one today. 🙂