It’s been nearly two months since I started posting regularly. I’ve just been throwing whatever content I was interested in at the moment day after day. Now it’s time to check in with my readers to see what you want.
I’d like this post to be an open invitation to have regular and new readers alike share what they think about
Is there something your really like, don’t like, want added, want changed, want more of? Let me know.
Do you have a tutorial, topic, distro, random other morsal that you’d like me to start posting about? Please leave a comment about it.
Did I help you?
I think it would be kinda neat to see more post about hardware. You did a post about cleaning gunk out of your friends computer. I think it would be neat to see more stuff like that, or maybe a post about upgrading an existing system.
Good idea Suite D.
Next time I build or upgrade a system, I’ll have to document the process. Since I already have three systems that are fairly recent, it may be a while.
Chris, imo the site is great as is. You’ve been a tremendous help to me sofar in my transition to Linux. Keep up the good work!
Thanks Leroy. I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing then.
I’ve been looking for a laptop, and decided that a Dell Studio 17 would be perfect hardware-wise. Then I googled to see if Ubuntu works with it and your site popped up and has been very helpful. Anything more about the Studio 17 (or any other hardware you run Linux on) would be helpful as well. Also, if you follow them, new versions of Linux distros before they come out. This could be helpful in deciding if upgrading is worth it. (For example: the new notification system in Jaunty, which I like :), etc.)
One thing I still need to do is to post details about each of my systems. I think there needs to be a page about all my systems, the output of lshw for each system, and some information about how easy it was to get distros of Linux to work with each system.
As for testing out on latest distros, I’m a ways away from that. I’m bogged down with a large number of projects right now, so most of my tips come about when I realize that I’ve done something or fixed something that others may find helpful. However, you never know what the future may hold.
I too kind of like the “randomness” of your site. I first came to it when I was investigating running Team Fortress 2 under Wine. I could swear that you had an article about how you were going to test out different distros and try it out with Wine, but I can’t find that anywhere. Maybe I’m confusing you for another site…
In any event, I do appreciate your current posts. I like learning about little tweaks and such to Linux. Even though I’m not an *buntu user, most of them apply to Fedora and a myriad of other distros. So, if anything, more Linux posts.
I did post about wanting to run numerous distros through their paces to judge specific keys of performance. However, I quickly realized that this approach was naive.
Even though I have years of experience with using headless Linux (just command line), I have very little experience with running Linux as a desktop. Most of my posts that are specific to the desktop are created out of my own exploration of issues or topics of interest rather than coming from some deep well of experience. So, I’d rather gain more experience with the Linux desktop before I jump in and try to judge performance of different aspects.
Besides, I’m having enough fun learning with Linux rather than playing on Linux that I don’t play that much TF2 these days anyways.